Learning to Paraphrase and Read Deeply

It isn’t always easy to put the ideas of others into your own words, especially if you don’t completely understand what you’re trying to paraphrase. But even though it’s a struggle, it’s often worth the effort. The process of doing so almost invariably deepens the

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Three Methods to Enhance Peer Review in Your Classroom

We’ve all done it: asked students to switch papers before turning them in for editing and peer review, only to receive superficial comments and vague critiques that make us wonder if peer review is really worth the time. Some of us have students put sentences

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Three Tools for Improving Student Work

So many educational technology tools, so little time. From word processing to citation tools to storyboards to blogging to graphic organizers, the list of tech tools that can potentially improve student work is extensive. Three tools, in particular, that will enhance students’ work and the

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Male Student in online chat

Improve Learning with Student Interviews

Interviews are a powerful yet underutilized learning device in higher education. There are thousands of experts available who would be more than willing to add interesting material to your courses. While it is not very practical to fly those people in to speak in a

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Mind Mapping for Better Learning

One of the most important skills we can teach students is to identify the underlying principles that tie together different discrete items. This is because pattern recognition is central to expertise. Physics professors analyze problems by identifying the underlying categories that are needed to solve

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Professor smiling, students hands raised

Humor in the Classroom

Humor is one of my favorite teaching tools. I rely on it—when the room feels tense, when I sense learner drift, if I aspire to make a point more memorable. Humor doesn’t cause learning, but it does help create conditions conducive to it. It doesn’t

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