What Teachers Learn from Experience

What qualifications does it take to be considered for a faculty position at a four-year college or university? Guy Boysen (2021) recently answered that question for the field of psychology. He surveyed 267 faculty, asking them to describe the minimal research and teaching qualifications needed

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Confidence, Clarity, and Concern: Developing an Effective Teaching Persona

Critical to an instructor’s ability to confidently, clearly, and effectively communicate with students is an understanding of the truism that communication begins with the self (Watzlawick et al., 1967). To engage in productive interactions that result in student learning, we must be broadly but simultaneously

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Digital Timelines for Enhanced Learning

As we teach specific topics in our classes, it is easy to lose the forest for the trees by looking at the topics in isolation from one another. For instance, a European history course might cover the various wars between France and Germany, but in

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When Students Should Question Teacher Authority

In my previous column I addressed what makes it difficult for students to speak up in peer groups, especially to express opinions different from those that others in the group offer. As I’ve noted before, some columns continue to follow me around, and this one

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App Smashing for Virtual Presentations

With the pandemic came a flurry of faculty quickly moving their courses online. The question I heard most during this time was, How can I move my students’ presentations online? Most faculty chose to have students do live video presentations with a system such as

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Course Evaluations as a Tool for Growth

I remember my first year as a tenure-track professor as a nightmare. For reasons I won’t belabor, my teaching stunk. During class, my face was red and hot with humiliation as I fumbled through the content. During lectures, I prayed that no one would ask

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Student-Generated Open Educational Resources

The use of open educational resources (OER) is growing in education as they save money for the students and facilitate instructor manipulation of the resource. Nevertheless, some teachers are reluctant to use OER because they have difficulty locating and evaluating sources or like their fundamental

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Helping Students Find Their Voice in Peer Groups

Performing among peers is never easy. I’ve seen great teachers tremble before a group of colleagues as they speak about an instructional practice they’ve developed. The fear grows out of not finding respect among equals. Academic professionals end up having lots of experience in peer

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Handouts: The Many Roles They Play in Learning

Last September, we issued a call for information on handouts—how do you use them, how well do they work, what learning goals are they especially well-suited to accomplish? As with previous calls, you responded with an array of examples, advice, insights, and opinions. What’s clear

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