the hardest students to teach

The Hardest Students to Teach

Some students are more challenging to teach than others. They require pedagogical skills of a different and higher order. Sometimes it’s easier to sigh and just turn away. And that’s legitimate in the sense that students (indeed, people of all sorts) have to figure things

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The Many Uses of Podcasting

The Many Uses of Podcasting in Education

In a way, I started podcasting in the 1970s. I worked as a radio DJ and spent hours with reel-to-reel tape, editing with literal razor blades and Scotch tape. We didn’t call it podcasting, of course. I first heard of podcasting in 2004 or so.

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Online Simulations for Teaching

Online Simulations for Teaching

I use Statecraft in my political science course. Participants are placed in a global political environment to battle or cooperate with one another. The simulation makes use of a wide range of political elements, from the international to the domestic, the military to the economic.

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Students Succeed with Online Study Aids

Help Students Succeed with Online Study Aids

As faculty we often chalk up a student’s poor performance to lack of motivation or ability. But often it is due to a failure to understand how to study. Many students study by simply rereading material. But this method is of little help because it

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Promoting Active Learning with Quizlet

Tips from the Pros: Promoting Active Learning with Quizlet

How best to engage students and provide opportunities for active learning is a question we find ourselves thinking about and discussing often with colleagues. Quizlet is a user-friendly, technology-based quizzing system that works well to engage students in both face-to-face and online learning environments. Instructors

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Augmented and Mixed Reality in Education

Augmented and Mixed Reality in Education

Last month we covered the many uses of virtual reality in education. This month we look at how educators are using augmented and mixed reality. While virtual reality gives the user the experience of being in some other location, such as a museum, scientific expedition,

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postexam review assignment

An Innovative Postexam Review Activity

We need to work more with students on seeing exams as something more than just grade generating experiences. Exams can be powerful encounters through which students learn course content and learn about learning. However, given the importance placed on grades, I’m not terribly optimistic about

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cheating in college classroom

Activities that Promote Awareness of What Is and Isn’t Cheating

Although some behaviors are pretty much universally identified as cheating (copying exam answers, for example), we’re not in agreement on everything. Particularly significant are disagreements between faculty and students (for example, students don’t think cheating occurs if they look something up on their phone and

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building trust with students

Earning Students’ Trust in Your Teaching

A month into last fall’s first-year writing course, one of my students emailed me and politely explained that he found one of the reading assignments offensive.

We met in person to discuss his concerns. On some level, our conversation was productive. I explained my reasons

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