Online Teaching and Learning

Online Learning 2.0: Using Videos for Online Teaching

We are finally entering an era of online content built specifically for the online environment. Much of this is being drive by MOOCs, which are starting to include quality video content with imagery that is designed to fit the communication principles of the Web. Happily,

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Creating Engaging, High-Enrollment Online Courses

The University of South Carolina’s College of Nursing offers several upper-division undergraduate online courses to accommodate on-campus students’ busy schedules. Between 230 and 250 students typically enroll in each of these courses, and despite these relatively large sections, the courses are engaging and effective.

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How the Heck Do You Do Service-Learning Online?

Service-learning has been used extensively in health professions education. However, there has been limited use of service-learning in the online learning environment due in part to the difficulty of managing the community aspects of this pedagogy. Kettering College has implemented service-learning in an online program

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10 Ways to Motivate and Engage Your Online Learners

Motivation and engagement play a central role in student success and satisfaction. However, the online learning environment poses special challenges. Without proper course design and facilitation it’s all too easy for online learners to feel isolated, bored, and unengaged with the materials. The following are

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Online Learning 2.0: The Benefits of Shared Document Editing

A team project should include some lessons about collaboration. In particular, students need to learn how to do shared document editing. Most people are still using outdated systems and methods of collaboration from the paper age that waste time and create errors. Students need to

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Tips from the Pros: Use of Copyrighted Video

During a recent Magna Online Seminar, Linda Enghagen, an attorney and professor in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, responded to two commonly asked questions about use of copyrighted videos in online courses.

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Five Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Online Classroom

The online classroom can be a space that supports and showcases student creativity. The learning management system can become a place where students expand their learning beyond traditional online means. With a host of free tools available on the Internet, online students have the ability

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Online Learning 2.0: It’s Time to Create Real Faculty Bios

In an age where a school’s web page is its most important information tool, most websites now include faculty biographies. But what do you find in those bios? The faculty member’s PhD- granting institution, publications, research interests, etc. In other words, nothing that is of

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Recommendations for Synchronous Sessions

Despite the difficulty of scheduling synchronous online meetings, they can play an important role in creating community, engaging students, and helping clarify difficult concepts. In a recent interview with Online Classroom, West Texas A&M instructional designers Susan Fulgham and Krista Favela offered their recommendations on

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