If you have attended a professional conference, then you have likely
experienced or are familiar with breakout sessions. These typically short
workshops occur in a space separate from and smaller than that of the keynote
presentation and allow attendees to dive deeper into a topic than they could as
a large group. You may have noticed that attendees in these sessions (yourself
included) were more likely to share their thoughts, ideas, and questions. That
has certainly been my experience. But breakout sessions needn’t only benefit
those attending professional conferences. When used in the classroom, they can
engage your students as well.
Breakout sessions allow for students to choose not only a topic
they’d like to explore further, but also how they would like to explore it with
a small group of their peers. Collaborative learning is something that many of
us already utilize in our classrooms in the form of small group work. Techniques
such as think-pair-share and traditional group projects are common and quite
beneficial to student learning as they provide opportunities for students to
learn with and from each other. These small group projects and discussions differ
from breakout sessions, however, in that students are typically assigned to the
same task.
Breakout sessions give students opportunities to explore topics in
depth, reflect on their learning, and share personal experiences with their
peers. While vital in any classroom, engaging students in the learning process can
prove difficult in a large group setting. In large groups, time constraints or personal
fears of sharing in front of large groups (or both) can stifle such sharing of
information. There seems to be less perceived risk of embarrassment in opening
up to a smaller group than to a large group. Moreover, when individuals can
engage in dialog around a topic, they are likelier to engage with and retain
the material being discussed and take greater responsibility for their
learning. Robust small group discussions in turn strengthen larger group dialogue.
Crucially, engaging students in active learning and meeting their
basic psychological needs can increase students’ motivation (Niemiec &
Ryan, 2009) and thus contribute to their academic success (Bolkan, Goodboy,
& Kelsey, 2016; Martin, Galentino, & Townsend, 2014). Self-determination
theory (SDT) identifies these needs as autonomy, competence, and relatedness;
breakout sessions relate directly to all three. During breakout sessions,
students can select the small group they wish to join (autonomy) based on
personal or academic interest (relatedness) and engage in collaborative
learning with their peers (competence). Because SDT holds that social
environments affect the degree to which these needs are met, however, how you
orchestrate a breakout session matters greatly to its effectiveness. Below I
offer some suggestions for how to manage breakout sessions to best support
students’ needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
Suggestions for successful sessions
Ceding control in a classroom may be difficult for educators who
are most comfortable lecturing. Fear not! Student-centered learning
opportunities do not have to replace traditional lectures. Incorporating
breakout sessions can enhance the content presented. When facilitating breakout
sessions, it is important to create the time and space conducive to discussion,
provide clear instructions or objectives for the sessions, and ensure that the
objectives are relevant to the content and students’ academic interests to
foster the psychological need of relatedness. The culmination of the session should
include a debrief with the large group, and the facilitator should take care to
allow students to guide the discussion and not provide students with answers.
Create space and time
In a traditional classroom, you can easily facilitate breakout sessions by assigning students to groups intentionally or in a way most convenient for the room setup. Allowing students to create their own groups fosters an environment that supports autonomy. Be sure to provide students with enough space so that they are not distracted by the other group discussions. In the online environment, many learning management systems have a breakout room feature (e.g., Desire2Learn’s Virtual Classroom and Blackboard Collaborate) that allows instructors to assign students to smaller chat rooms. If this is not an option, Google Hangouts is a great alternative for online chat space. To ensure that virtual breakout sessions run smoothly, be sure to coordinate the opening of all chat spaces and monitor them throughout the session to offer support in the event of technical issues.
Regardless of learning environment, allow time for students to
introduce themselves if they haven’t gotten a chance to meet prior to this
exercise, and give them a structured time frame for the small group discussion.
Encourage students to structure their time so that each person has an opportunity
to share their thoughts or experiences. By doing this, you establish an
expectation that all students will participate and will efficiently utilize the
time provided. Creating a space for students to more comfortably discuss their
thoughts and ideas provides an autonomy-supportive environment in which
students have a voice in their learning (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009).
Be clear
Ambiguous questions or objectives are detrimental to a successful breakout session. Identify the objectives the students should meet as a result of their discussion (sharing experiences, solving a problem, creating something, etc.), and state them clearly prior to the session. Integrate open-ended questions that foster discussion rather than yes-or-no responses. Depending on the level of comfort the students have in this type of setting and with the content, you may offer several guiding questions or statements (e.g., begin by . . . , continue . . . , or conclude with . . . ) in addition to the objectives. Diving deeply into a topic in a meaningful way, allows students to gain mastery. Challenging students and “allowing [them] to test and expand their academic capabilities” (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009, p. 139) during breakout sessions supports students’ feelings of self-efficacy and engagement—both of which have been shown to influence competence (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009).
Make it meaningful
Think back to a conference or professional development session you
participated in. Was the content meaningful or relevant to practice? How
engaged were the participants? Students appreciate learning-centered activities
(Wright, 2011); however, these activities should be meaningful, applicable to
real-world problems, and related to course content. The third tenet of SDT,
relatedness, is equally as important as autonomy and competence and represents
the need to belong or feel close to an individual or group of individuals. Breakout
sessions that are relevant to the student can support both the nonacademic and
academic sides of relatedness (Roberson, 2013). As teachers, we can foster the
nonacademic side of relatedness by creating a space in which relationships occur
between student and instructor and well as between peers. We can support the
academic side by helping students understand the importance of the content and
showing them how it related to their current understanding and future learning.
Breakout sessions provide such an environment where students can foster
personal relationships with their peers as well as support students’ existing
knowledge and experience as it relates to the content.
Bringing them back together
Quite possibly the most valuable part of the breakout session is
the larger group debriefing that concludes the experience. Depending on the
size of the full class, 15–20 minutes to bring everyone back together gives
students the opportunity to share their understanding and creates a space for continued
collaboration. The facilitator might ask each group to select a spokesperson
who will share about their small group discussions. Students may share
highlights of their discussions, or new questions may be posed by the students
or teacher to further clarify a topic. The important thing to remember is to
make this a collaborative, nonevaluative discussion with the entire class, not
just a report of what occurred in the smaller group. This will vary according
to the activity the students complete during the breakout session. This
exercise allows students to see the similarities between groups as well as the
value in differing thoughts and opinions among the full class. Furthermore,
providing students with appropriate feedback surrounding their exploration of a
topic and the learning progress further supports feelings of self-efficacy and competence
(Niemiec & Ryan, 2009). During the small group session, students gain
confidence in sharing their opinions and may be more likely to offer their
thoughts to the entire class. It is important to be mindful of students who
have anxiety speaking in front of large groups. As such, I recommend not
requiring each student to address the class after the breakout session
As educators, we strive to motivate and engage students in class. Regardless
of the type of learning environment, breakout sessions may provide students
with an opportunity to engage in deeper and more meaningful conversations with
peers that foster their basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and
relatedness. The support of these dimensions promotes students’ intrinsic
motivation and increases their willingness to participate in learning
activities (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009). I encourage you to be open to
incorporating breakouts sessions into your classroom as a valuable,
learner-centered teaching technique.
Bolkan, S., Goodboy, A. K., & Kelsey, D. M. (2016). Instructor clarity and student motivation: Academic performance as a product of students’ ability and motivation to process instructional material. Communication Education, 65(2), 129–48. https://doi.org/10.1080/03634523.2015.1079329
Martin, K., Galentino, R., & Townsend, L. (2014). Community college student success: The role of motivation and self-empowerment. Community College Review, 42(3), 221–241. https://doi.org/10.1177/0091552114528972
Niemiec, C. P., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom: Applying self-determination theory to educational practice. Theory and Research in Education, 7(2), 133–144. Retrieved from https://selfdeterminationtheory.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2009_NiemiecRyan_TRE.pdf
Roberson, R. (2013, September). Helping students find relevance. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/ptn/2013/09/students-relevance
Wright, G. B. (2011). Student-centered learning in higher education. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(3), 92–97. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ938583.pdf
Stephanie L. Wasmanski, EdD, is an assistant professor in the
School of Education’s doctoral department at Wilkes University. She has taught
numerous courses within the fields of psychology, business and leadership, and
education. Her primary research interests include motivation, engagement, and
mindfulness as they relate to student success in higher education.