I don't understand what you want in this assignment

“I Don’t Understand What You Want in This Assignment”

We’re interested in assignments. To us, they seem like a vital aspect of instruction that goes largely unexamined. What sparked our interest was the way students so often respond to written assignments: “What do you want?” or “I don’t understand what you want in this

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using assignments effectively

Assignments: A Theme for the Coming Semester

One of the luxuries of this online format that we didn’t have when The Teaching Professor was a print publication is the ability to pursue topics more thoroughly, to come at them from different directions, and to assemble collections of resources related to them. We

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fixed mindset - college classroom

Challenging (and Changing) Fixed Mindsets in the Classroom

Fresh from winter break, my students want to test my boundaries—and they should. But even as they challenge me, many of my students will also limit themselves by defining their intelligence and talents as fixed traits. Each semester I hear the familiar refrains: “I’m not

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before and after learning - making students aware of learning processes

Before and After Learning

Sometimes it isn’t all that easy to see that you’ve learned something or are in the process of doing so. I have sat with many students, handed them something written early in the course and asked them to look it in light of something they’ve

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Students Can Learn to Make Better Use of Study Resources

Concern about how students study is widespread. Considerable research has shown that students don’t make use of strategies known to enhance exam performance, long-term retention, and other key learning indicators. The answer has been to provide student with good study resources. But as this research

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embracing silence walk in the woods

Embracing the Silence

First snowflakes of the season today. Winter is settling in out here in the Pennsylvania countryside. It’s quiet, no birdsongs in the morning, few leaves left on the trees to rustle, and frost muting the crunch of those on the ground. In the woods where

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Does Your Teaching-Learning Philosophy Align with Your Teaching?

There’s a new book out called Activating a Teaching-Learning Philosophy. The word “activating” caught my attention. To me that says “doing something about your teaching-learning philosophy.” Unfortunately, our current use of teaching philosophy statements doesn’t usually contain that expectation. Most often faculty prepare these statements

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assignments students hate

Giving Students Assignments They Hate

When I meet with faculty, I often talk about the importance of moving our conversations about teaching beyond the “tips and tricks” to the kind of thought-provoking discussions that help promote, motivate, and sustain our growth as teachers.

Why this article is worth discussing: Student engagement

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