Creative Course Design (Yes, You Can!)

A lot of teachers don’t think of themselves as being particularly creative. Creativity in education doesn’t mean coming up with a revolutionary new idea or complete reinvention of something. Creativity means doing something original or unique. A lot of educational creativity involves repackaging or “putting

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active learning techniques

Deeper Thinking about Active Learning

I keep worrying that we’re missing the boat with active learning. Here’s why. First, active learning isn’t about activity for the sake of activity. I fear we’ve gotten too fixated on the activity and aren’t as focused as we should be on the learning. We’re

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multiple-choice tests

Multiple-Choice Tests: Revisiting the Pros and Cons

Given class sizes, teaching loads, and a host of other academic responsibilities, many teachers feel as though multiple-choice tests are the only viable option. Their widespread use justifies a regular review of those features that make these tests an effective way to assess learning and

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teaching with technology

Flipgrid—A New Way to View Online Content

Flipgrid ( is a new collaboration system that’s drawing quite a bit of interest in education circles as of late. Flipgrid provides an alternative way of displaying content from the traditional LMS discussion forum. An LMS forum is linear, with each posting falling below the

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Online Discussion Protocols for Better Student Engagement

Online Discussion Protocols for Better Student Engagement

When I first began teaching online, I instantly recognized online education’s potential to provide deeper discussion than face-to-face learning due to the greater thought-time to craft a comment and unlimited comment length. I saw students often expressing more insightful comments than I received in my

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Encourage Your Students to Copy

Encourage Your Students to Copy

Go to an art museum and you will frequently see art students sitting in front of a painting with an easel making a copy of the work to learn their craft. Similarly, a common photo out of an NFL training camp is a line of

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Add Interactions to Your Online Videos

Frequent interaction with learning content is critical to learning and retention because it is needed to move information from our working to long-term memory. That is why it is a good practice to add interactions to videos every five minutes or so. These interactions can

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