instructional change

The Future of Teaching

The Future of Teaching

Who knows what it might be? At this point no one can say for sure. However, it’s a pretty good bet it won’t be the same. Some scholars, Michael Wertheimer and William Woody among them, propose dramatic changes for the future professoriate. They base their

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male professor

“I Tried It and It Didn’t Work!”

Someone sought me out recently to say that she’d tried something I had recommended and it didn’t work. “You need to stop recommending that to people,” she told me. “How many times did you try it?” I asked. “Once and the students hated

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Six Steps to Making Positive Changes in Your Teaching

I’m working my way through a 33-page review of scholarship on instructional change in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines. The authors reviewed an impressive 191 conceptual and empirical journal articles. However, what they found isn’t impressive both in terms of the quality

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