Understanding Open Educational Resources

Online learning environments offer exciting opportunities for expanding the types of instructional materials that teachers can use. Because interaction is mediated digitally, teachers can tap into simulations, videos, case studies, and so much more to support student learning.

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Free Lesson Resources for Your Class

I often tell faculty interested in online teaching that it requires a fundamental change in mindset from content creator to content curator. Faculty are used to creating their lectures from scratch for face-to-face courses, but the wealth of good educational content on the web makes

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Have You Considered Using Open Textbooks?

College textbooks are expensive, and prices continue to rise. The Bureau of Labor reported a 600 percent increase in textbook costs between 1980 and 2012. The average 2015 American college student graduated with over $35,000 of student debt, a portion of which came from textbook

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Evaluating Open Education Resources

We were tasked with developing courses that relied primarily on OERs in order to eliminate or reduce textbook fees. In doing so, we created a checklist of characteristics to look for when evaluating OERs for potential inclusion in a course. We drew inspiration from Quality

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