It’s a great question and not one most of us ask ourselves as often as we should. Is creating or reconstituting a course a design process, or is it more like course assembly? Even though instructional designers are more visibly present than they used to
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Do you teach one of those courses that promotes lots of student anxiety? Nowadays that seems to apply to all sorts of courses. Student are convinced they can’t learn what we’re teaching, worry they won’t do well on the tests, and become filled with anxiety
I just read a review of the literature on class discussion. It’s from 2013 so there’s more that could be included in the review, but there’s one feature of the literature that I don’t think has changed. Like so many other common teaching and learning
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It’s a great question and not one most of us ask ourselves as
often as we should. Is creating or reconstituting a course a design process, or
is it more like course assembly? Even though instructional designers are more
visibly present than they used to be and the term instructional design is commonplace, our sense of what we do to get
a course ready hasn’t changed all that much. Do we really understand that we’re
designing a set of experiences that shape how students encounter the content?
Recently, a group of researchers put that opening question to a small group of faculty who teach math and science courses (Smith, Stark, & Sanchez, 2019). They used a qualitative research design that implicated what they looked for and found. The faculty participated in semi-structured, 60- to 90-minute interviews, and that opening question was followed by others that focused on the processes the participants used to design or redesign courses as well as those they thought their colleagues might be using. The researchers then analyzed the interview transcripts and generated a set of categories that reflected the participants’ notions about course design. These weren’t generalizable findings but attempts to organize ways of thinking about and approaching course design.
Course design
as content
This is how many faculty, especially those just starting out, approach
course design. The process may begin with some goals and objectives, but the
compelling question is, What do I have to teach? I know I approached course
design like this for years: look at the textbook or several of them, generate a
list of topics, put them in chunks (or modules, if you need a more impressive
descriptor), and figure out a sensible order. While this orientation to the
process might include checking the content others have put in the course, it’s
mostly about selecting and organizing rather than designing.
Course design
as method
This way of thinking about course design focuses on the best way
to teach the material. Given the nature of the content, what approaches will
support student efforts to learn the material? The content is there; now,
however, there are questions about students and learning and how the teacher
selects and fits instructional methods to the content. The question has changed
from “what to teach” to “how to teach it.”
Course design
as reflective practice
This approach to course design grows out of an analysis of the
course or the teaching in general. What’s working? What isn’t? What could be
working better? These questions capture what happens in the course redesign
process. The frame can be larger if the focus is on student learning generally.
What do students bring to the content? Do they have adequate basic skills? Where
do they struggle? The quest is for design details that address what has
happened in the course or a class session or what has been learned across a set
of teaching experiences.
Course design
as departmental collaboration
This design orientation describes faculty collaboration over
multiple sections of the same course. The goal is to align teaching with
learning experiences so that the course effectively achieves its objectives
regardless of who’s teaching it. There’s a sense of shared responsibility for
the course and a recognition that those teaching it can learn from each other.
Course design
as collective change
Here it’s not just a course within a department but course design
elements that transcend disciplines and become ways of teaching and learning
that improve courses across an entire institution. It’s not a set of courses
all designed the same way but the larger notion that course design can be a
priority and shared interest of all faculty at an institution or within the
same field.
These notions of course design are useful places to begin conversations
about design with ourselves and others. Designing a course means engaging in a
process with great implications for learning. That’s the vision more of us need
to have as we confront this important task.
Smith, G. A., Stark, A., & Sanchez, J. (2019). What does
course design mean to college science and mathematics teachers? Journal of College Science Teaching, 48(4),