Online Teaching and Learning

Making Use of the Internet of Benevolence

One widespread misconception is that the Internet is a place for people to express malevolence toward one another, but that’s not true. People are generalizing from a handful of social media forums. Flaming is actually a situation-dependent activity and is isolated to places such as

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Teaching Skill Based Courses Online

One of the classes that I teach is Keyboard Skills, often referred to as “group piano.” In a face-to-face (F2F) classroom, there can be anywhere from 12-36 students, each seated at a digital keyboard. Keyboard Skills classes typically meet on the usual MWF or TR

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Tips from the Pros: Is Creating Online Course Content Worth Your Time?

Advances in online education have opened up a host of opportunities for the integration of multimedia to enhance the student learning experience. As technology has improved, so has access to a plethora of open educational resources, publisher supplements, and instructional content that can be integrated

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Facilitating Real-time, Online Group Projects

While many things can be taught asynchronously, some things seem to require a live element. Negotiation is one of those things, as body language, tone, and reaction to the other person all play a critical role in determining the outcome of a negotiation.

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Applying Neurology to Online Videos

One common mistake I see among online content developers is to build videos that simply roll through content from start to finish. This is a “covering content” vision of teaching that expects students to grasp anything that is pitched to them. The model

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Improve Your Teaching with a Teaching Toolbox

Years of teaching and coaching online faculty have taught me that the move from face-to-face to online teaching brings both benefits and dangers. One benefit is that the course’s center of gravity shifts from the lecture to discussion. Whereas much of a faculty

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Use Quizzes to Add Competition to Your Online Class

It is unfortunate that faculty members often deliberately avoid creating competition in their courses out of fear of damaging student self-esteem or privacy considerations. Competition is one of the best ways to achieve growth. We invariably perform better when we are striving to achieve in

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Role-Playing for Improved Online Discussion

Despite a faculty member’s best efforts, online discussions often degenerate into students simply taking turns answering the original question rather than genuinely speaking to one another. One problem is that many students feel that it is not their place to criticize peers. This might be

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Tips from the Pros: Get the Most Out of Online Discussion

Online discussion forums can produce livelier and deeper debate than is possible in face-to-face courses, but instructors are often challenged in reaching this goal. Two of the most frequently asked faculty questions concern (1) how to get students to participate in the discussion and (2)

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One widespread misconception is that the Internet is a place for people to express malevolence toward one another, but that's not true. People are generalizing from a handful of social media forums. Flaming is actually a situation-dependent activity and is isolated to places such as YouTube.

In reality, the Internet is fundamentally a place of widespread benevolence and cooperation where people voluntarily come together to help people whom they have never met, often in other countries. For instance, within days of the earthquake in Haiti, people from all over the world came together for “disaster camps,” which were meetings with no agenda other than to find a way to help the people in Haiti from home. One result was the creation of the Tradui app, which allowed responders to communicate with people on the ground. The data for the app was created by volunteers around the world who recorded translations of Haitian phrases into and from languages that the responders spoke. Another way is the Open Street Map, which combined post-disaster satellite images with a Google map overlay that allowed hundreds of people to tag the map with information about downed buildings and hospitals, blocked rivers, and so on. (

Both apps saved lives and were created by the voluntary efforts of people around the world coming together through the Internet. Similarly, the United Nations used a “Standby Taskforce” of over 700 volunteers around the world to gather information about the crisis in Libya and record it in the Ushahidi crisis map to inform the efforts of rescuers on the ground (

These are not isolated efforts. Today, the volunteer work of people around the world is being used to address a variety of problems. The Internet has demonstrated that there is a massive amount of benevolence in this world that could not be harnessed—until now. The many-to-many communication style allows people to collaborate on projects that were never before possible.

This opens up opportunities for instructors to provide students with both real-world experience, applying the principles they learn in class, and the motivation of knowing that they are doing it for some reason other than just to get a grade. There are numerous websites that allow people to choose the projects they want to work on. For instance, the United Nations has a website that gathers projects that people can work on at home ( Some projects involve research, such as the project “Preventing Violent Extremism Programmes in Asia and the Pacific” from the UN Bangkok Regional Hub, which is looking for a research report to provide an analysis of “drivers of radicalization, the key actors in radicalization, the role of volunteerism in Preventing Violent Extremism, and to identify gaps, priority areas, recommendations and successful projects in PVE.” The project requires an estimated 6 to 10 hours per week for four weeks.

There are projects on this website that can serve a variety of classes. A business course might want to tackle the project asking for a report on fund-raising options for the Africa Youths for Peace and Development Organization. Some projects allow the students to become teachers, such as the one from the Twenty-First Century African Youth Movement in Sierra Leone asking for people with a tech understanding “to help with research and training two staff members on how to use digital currencies (Bitcoins) for fundraising.”

Foreign-language teachers might be interested in the numerous translation projects, such as the one asking for “Translation English to French of a quarterly diaspora engagement newsletter.” Crisis maps also provide a wealth of translation opportunities, such as the Syria Crisis Map (, which uses volunteers to translate news stories or other information about current events in Syria.

Journalism instructors might want to look at the project to “[d]raft 15 news stories related to the Perez-Guerrero Trust Fund Projects for publishable quality, both digital and printed distribution . . . [that] support critical economic and technical cooperation activities among developing countries.” Art teachers might be interested in the project from the Microfinance and Development Organization to “develop promotional materials for campaigns and create graphic guidelines” that support their mission to “promote and realize direct and indirect development activities primarily for the poor and marginalized in the areas of inclusive finance, microeconomics of microinsurance and local economic development in Cameroon and Africa.”

Those are just a sampling of the projects available on a handful of websites among many asking for volunteers. The opportunities to provide real-life application of course concepts are endless, and the inherent motivation in students knowing that they are helping others will improve performance and learning outcomes. Assigning volunteer projects in your course is a win-win for everyone involved.