Procrastination: Larger Implications

Procrastination is a widespread problem among students—and, in reality, a fairly widespread problem across North America. But with students, it’s a behavior that compromises learning in a number of different ways. Students end up not having enough time to deeply interact with the material, so

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Grading Advice: For Those Who Grade a Lot

Most teachers don’t list grading as one of their favorite parts of teaching. If you’re conscientious about it, it’s a hard, time-consuming task. Dishearteningly, efforts to provide students with quality feedback aren’t always appreciated, or at least they don’t appear to be.

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Mentoring Undergraduates

Mentoring Undergraduates

“At a superficial level, everyone ‘knows’ what mentoring is. But closer examination indicates [such wide variation . . .] that the concept is devalued, because everyone is using it loosely, without precision, and it may become a short-term fad” (p. 3). That observation was made

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Facebook: Online Discussion Tool?

Online discussion has become another strategy faculty use to engage students with each other and with course content. This method offers a safer way for students to participate, as they are able to prepare responses ahead of time and deliver them in writing. But online

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Learning Styles and Test Performance

Decades of research on learning styles have resulted in widespread familiarity with the concept. Ask most students what kind of learners they are and they will often answer with a learning style descriptor—visual, verbal, kinesthetic, auditory, converger. Many will tell you they know because they’ve

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female student at computer

Course Evaluations: How Can Should We Improve Response Rates?

Shortly after 2000, higher education institutions started transitioning from paper and pencil student-rating forms to online systems. The online option has administrative efficiency and economics going for it. At this point, most course evaluations are being conducted online. Online rating systems have not only institutional

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professor with small group of students

How Teaching Is Like Composting

I started composting at our summer place in 2009, and now I’m a convert. In the summer, we live on an island that’s mostly rock covered with something the locals call “organic matter.” Growing anything this far north on this soil base is challenging, but

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summer reading for faculty

Personal Narratives: Perfect for Summer Reading

Right before the end of the academic year when the promise of summer stretches warmly ahead, many of us are making lists that anticipate other kinds of tasks. If you’re considering some pedagogical reading, I’ve got just the recommendation.

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Digital Storytelling for Enhanced Learning

Digital storytelling is one of the most effective teaching tools in an online environment. In its loosest sense, “digital storytelling” just refers to a means of communication by video that combines images with narration. It need not be a “story” per se. It could be

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