More on How Students Do and Don’t Use Feedback

It’s not the first time we’ve addressed the issue: why don’t students use our feedback to improve their performance (their writing, their exams, their professional skills)? A revisit is justified because it’s such an important question and because answers are more elusive than we might

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How to Help Students Improve Their Note-Taking Skills

Students love it when teachers provide class notes—the more complete the set, the better. Students want the teacher’s notes online because it’s convenient, they’re readable, well organized, and relieve the student of having to expend much effort during class. A lot of students need the

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Does Use of Course Materials Placed Online Improve Performance?

Course websites now include such things as the course syllabus, PowerPoint slides, study guides, discussion questions, links to online content sources announcements, reminders of due dates, and opportunities for online discussion via e-mail and discussion boards. Most faculty put materials online to help students learn

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Quality Feedback in Less Time

Despite the ever-growing body of evidence that unequivocally supports the need for clear, detailed, timely feedback in response to students’ work, the practical demands of the online classroom leave me struggling to translate pedagogical knowledge into practice. Let’s face it: there is a LOT of

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Online Learning 2.0: Easy Animation for Teaching

A teacher must grab the student’s attention right away to motivate the learning, and nothing grabs interest as quickly and easily as animation. It may sound exotic, but new (and cheap) software has made animation simple to produce.

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Promoting Academic Integrity in the Online Classroom

Teddi Fishman, director of the International Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University, advocates an instructional design/community-building approach to academic integrity rather than an adversarial approach. Her stint as a police officer informs this stance. As radar gun companies introduced improved speed enforcement tools, the

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