artificial intelligence

Changing the AI Narrative: Embracing Defiant Optimism

Since January, I have led multiple faculty development sessions on generative AI for faculty at my university. Attitudes from faculty at these events have ranged from concerned to frustrated, overwhelmed to worried, as well as a sense of grim resignation (to be fair, there were

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Get a FEAL for AI

Do you remember life before smartphones?

If 2007 was a watershed moment, influencing and shaping a new generation that would grow up with iPhones, 2023 may go down as the next big milestone for society and life as we know it (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer

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The World of AI Resources for Education

While education circles have focused on ChatGPT, many other AI systems have emerged that offer instructors and students tools to help create teaching material and projects. We will examine these overlooked systems here. But first, let’s take a look at why AI has suddenly

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Plagiarism: An Opportunity for Empathetic Teaching

As instructors of introductory composition and general education courses, we are well-acquainted with the threat of plagiarism. In graduate school, our teaching practicums devoted hours to the student “temptation for plagiarism,” and every semester, instructors receive the same emails reminding us of our institution’s

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