facilitating effective online discussions

Exploring the Dimensions of Online Discussion

Why is online discussion worth discussing? For starters, many conversations about this unique form of interaction have centered on its merits. Is it better or worse than face-to-face discussion? As interesting as those conversations have been, what merits analysis now are the implications of those

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What Is the Purpose of Online Discussion?

Nearly all online faculty use discussion in their courses, often simply because everyone else does or their institution’s course development model assumes they do. But like any course content or activity, we need to ask about its purpose. There is no law that all online

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Chat as an Alternative to Videoconferencing and Discussion Forums

Faculty who move from face-to-face teaching to online teaching must decide how to facilitate student interaction in a web environment. Nearly all use the asynchronous threaded discussion forum that is a central feature of all learning management systems (LMSs). Some also use synchronous video conferencing,

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Solutions to Online Discussion Problems

Student discussions have long been both thorn and rose of online courses. When online learning was first introduced to academia, skeptical face-to-face instructors believed that the courses must lack any discussion, likening them to a television broadcast. But online educators immediately recognized that the format

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Student-Centered Social Interaction Online

In my years as an instructional designer at Indiana University, I’ve heard the same complaint again and again across wholly disparate courses and programs: “I would like more and better student interaction in my online courses.” These teachers have used traditional online discussion boards and

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Many blank, pale blue speech bubbles forming a cloud

Online Discussions: Would Changing the Environment Help?

Online discussions aren’t a new thing anymore; they regularly occur in online courses and courses with online components. What we’ve learned for sure: they’re a mixed bag. On the plus side, they make participation safer. Students can make a post, walk away, and not worry

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The LMS discussion forum was once the only real option for hosting discussion in an online course. But today there are a variety of options, from videoconferencing to social media to online post-it boards. The choices can leave faculty perplexed as to which to use. Here I examine different discussion formats so that you can choose the right one for your purposes.

LMS discussion forum

The LMS asynchronous discussion forum has numerous advantages over a live discussion. For one, the greater think-time afforded students in crafting their posts allows for deeper and more detailed thought than a live discussion. It also encourages students to reply directly to one another, whereas live discussion nearly always goes through the instructor. Plus, there are no time limits that require faculty to cut off discussion to move on.

These reasons make discussion forums ideal when faculty want to hear from every student. But more than that, the threaded nature of LMS discussion forums makes them useful for topic-based discussions where the goal is for the class to explore and develop ideas, especially to dig deeper into a topic. For instance, an art history instructor who wants students to explore the concept of creativity could ask students who was more creative, Michelangelo or da Vinci. This question requires students to think about what creativity is and how it is manifested in art. That takes time for reflection and so would not be good for a live discussion, but the additional think-time makes it suitable for an LMS discussion forum.


Live events are ideal for developing students’ oral communication skills. This makes videoconferencing advantageous for student presentations, which should include a question-and-answer time for students to develop their ability to think on their feet. Using live events also allows instructors to track discussion in a specific direction (in contrast to an LMS forum, where discussion spirals out in multiple directions at once). For instance, a math instructor might want to walk students through some problems, with students providing the suggestions for each step. If a student provides the wrong suggestion, the instructor might want to follow it out to show why it is a dead end and then start again.

Finally, live events are beneficial for class simulations. In my medical ethics class, I will sometimes host videoconferencing simulations of cases where I assign students to play the roles of patient, patient’s family, and medical team. I want students to consider the perspective of the various parties to better prepare them for the types of responses they will get as future practitioners.

Since it is nearly impossible to get everyone to speak in a class-wide live event, it is useful to include some polling questions to keep everyone engaged. Setting up a poll ahead of time with four or five questions using Kahoot! or Poll Everywhere is a reliable way to have the questions on hand to roll out where appropriate. While videoconferencing systems have a text chat function, it is not an effective way to measure student understanding; it’s unlikely that everyone will answer, and if they do, the system can’t tabulate the results like an audience response system. I would also suggest that faculty not have students use the live chat function because it splits attendees’ attention.

Social media

Social media is a discussion option that many faculty do not consider, but it offers many advantages over other forms of discussion. For one, students are experienced with using social media, whereas the LMS structure is fundamentally foreign to them. Plus, social media is far more convenient to use than the LMS. A student need only pull out their smartphone to type a text, take a photo, or record a video and post it with a single click of a button, whereas the LMS requires laborious steps for logging in and reaching the right place to post in a discussion forum.

For these reasons social media is ideal for generating discussion around students’ lived experiences. Students can use texts, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat to post examples of class concepts—architectural forms, social behaviors, and so on—that they run across in their daily lives. (I would not recommend Facebook as most students consider it passé).

Digital post-it boards

Digital post-it boards—such as Padlet, Flipgrid, and Wakelet—have rapidly gained popularity over the past few years. They differ from the LMS in that postings appear all at once on a single page rather than wrapped inside of threaded discussions in an LMS. This display format places all the postings on the same level, making them easy to scan, and is ideal for “show and tell” discussions where the goal is to get an independent contribution from each participant related to the topic of the discussion rather than a thread of replies that develop an idea. Plus, these boards are designed to host visual content, such as images and videos, whereas the LMS discussion forum is designed for text.

For these reasons, boards are great for icebreakers at the beginning of class. I used one to have students post a photo of their favorite place to visit, along with an account of what makes it special. Another option is to have students post examples of a concept, such as photos of various types of urban runoff controls. The visual appeal makes these boards excellent for students to post mini-projects, such as digital storytelling videos that describe an experience or explain a topic through the perspective of someone involved in it.

Wakelet is particularly good for hosting group projects due to its linear layout. Instead of having the postings appear in a tile pattern as in Padlet or Flipgrid, Wakelet runs the postings down the center of the page. This layout allows a group to create a project that walks the viewer through the topic step-by-step in an attractive format.

Whatever your purpose, there is a discussion format that suits your needs.