group work strategies

How to Make Group Work Not Suck: Scaffolding the Collaborative Process through Agency and Self-Regulation

Employers love collaborators. Communities needs collaborators. Democracy requires collaboration.

Students hate collaboration.

And faculty feel . . . well . . . meh?

We know that collaboration is powerful. We know that it both provides students with skills they need and deepens their learning by exposing them to viewpoints different from their own. But

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Getting Realistic about Group Work

It’s no wonder employers highly value college grads that are already good team players (Finley, 2021), not only because the ability to collaborate is key to professional success but also because developing this skill set is no easy task. As faculty, we know this all

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In-Class Small Group Activities: Our Readers Respond

Earlier this year we asked you to share in-class small group activities and your best advice on various details related to designing and managing group work. Here’s a set of activities culled from the submissions, along with recommendations on various aspects of group work.

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Addressing Common Issues with Online Group Work

It’s well known that group work benefits the learning process but also that learners can dread the idea of doing group projects. So, as online instructors, what can we do about this situation? Research shows that group projects in online courses are fraught with mixed

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Solutions to Group Problems

Concerns over group dysfunction continue to worry faculty who use groups and prevent others from using them. We have some research-based evidence as to the problems students experience in groups. A 2008 study by Regina Pauli and colleagues used student responses to an empirically developed

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A Vision for Effective Group Dynamics

I’ve been doing some work on resources related to group work and have been impressed yet again by the amount of scholarship being done on groups both in classrooms and online. Faculty use and study groups in virtually every field. And as a sidebar, I

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