instructional growth

Want to Be a Better Instructor? Teach Something You Don’t Know

A few months after I received my university’s undergraduate teaching award in 2009, my classroom anxiety dreams went from merely hairy to absolutely hair-raising. For years, I’d dreamed about my classes erupting in chaos: rebellious students flipping over desks, watching pornography while I lectured, or—most

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what can we learn from teaching failures

What Can We Learn from Our Struggles and Failures?

I’ve put together a lot of bibliographies in my day. They’re more like resource collections than comprehensive listings of relevant published work, which are pretty much impossible when it comes to teaching and learning where the literature spreads across our disciplines and in disciplines devoted

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It’s an instructional development workshop. Will you attend? It might be on campus, a multi-campus event, or a session at a conference. Workshops, like those offered on professional development days or at conferences are the oldest and most common initiative to improve teaching and learning.

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Institutional Climate for Teaching and Change Adoption

Institutional Climate for Teaching and Change Adoption

There’s no question that the climate for teaching at an institution has a direct impact on teaching at that institution, especially when it come to the value placed on teaching. It also influences the motivation to keep working on teaching. But what exactly makes up

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faculty mentoring

A Case for Coaching in Faculty Development

I recently spent a rainy afternoon watching the semi-finals of the Madrid Open and noticed how often one of the players looked to his coaching box for reassurance about his strategy. Coaches are not just for players trying to make it into the big leagues;

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Making Changes: How Faculty Do It

The process of making instructional changes has not been studied much at all—perhaps because it seems like a simple process. We discover a new idea, are persuaded it’s something worthwhile, think it’s doable, and we do it! But if that’s all that’s involved, then how

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