Online Teaching and Learning

ngage Students Outside of the Online Classroom

Five Ways to Engage Students outside of the Online Classroom

Ubiquitous learning—the idea that everywhere you go, you’re learning all the time—lets us take advantage of the concept that in every interaction, there may be opportunities for students to engage with our subject matter, if we can just get them into that holistic thinking mode.

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engaging online students

Designing Online Learning to Spark Intrinsic Motivation

The word “motivation” comes from a root that means “to move,” and really, motivation is about what moves us to begin something or to persist in a situation—in this case, a learning situation. Motivation is a driving force. It can be considered an external driving

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Improve Student Learning with Dynamic Study Portfolios

Study guides and answer keys are common items in every classroom, and for self-motivated students, they may be all that is necessary to prepare for an exam. However, for students with lower proficiency or lower motivation, more coaching may be necessary to help them get

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Challenging Situations in the Online Classroom

Dealing with Challenging Situations in the Online Classroom

While it might seem that the online classroom, as a reflection of academia, is a cordial and polite space for discussion, those in the trenches know that bullying and political unrest can show up even there. One problem gaining recognition is microaggressions. According to Merriam-Webster,

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How to Find Highly Effective Images for Your Online Content

Teaching is fundamentally about communicating, and all communication begins with getting your audience’s attention. You may propose to your spouse by writing “I love you” in the sand. You may speak to your son about behavior problems by moving him to the kitchen table, turning

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online learning

What Do Students Really Want from Online Instructors?

Over the past nine years, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing approximately 200 instructors at my institution develop and teach their first online course. I’ve witnessed instructors excited by the opportunity, but I’ve also observed many who were hesitant or even fearful of teaching online.


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Reconceptualizing Teaching for Online Environments

When I see yet another survey asking faculty their opinions about whether online teaching can achieve learning outcomes as well as face-to-face teaching, I immediately ask why they are using face-to-face teaching as the standard of quality education. Why are they not asking whether face-to-face

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Tips from Pros: Easy Website Building Options

We seem to have advanced from the traditional web page to an “appified” world where we use a specific app to reach what we want on the web rather than a web browser, whether we are checking the weather, posting on Facebook, or sending a

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learning through Online Discussion Self-Grading

Empowering Learners through Online Discussion Self-Grading

Have you ever thought, “There has to be a better way!” while grading your online learners’ discussions? It is no secret that grading student discussions is time consuming, laborious, and tedious, considering the disproportionate amount of time required to give solid, quality feedback on a

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Helping Online Students Succeed

When students do poorly on an assignment, faculty generally chalk it up to either a) lack of effort or b) lack of intelligence. But problems in product are usually problems in process, and often students lack the “self-regulated learning strategies” needed to be successful (Wandler

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