Current Issue

March 2023

Advice to New Instructors

Beyond Bias: How to Get More Mileage out of Your Student Evaluations
Ending Strong: Considerations for Your Last Day of Class
Changing the AI Narrative: Embracing Defiant Optimism
Can Student Chat during Class Be a Good Thing?
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This Month's Articles

Love ’em or hate ’em, student evaluations of teaching (SETs) are here to stay. Parts one and two of this

Since January, I have led multiple faculty development sessions on generative AI for faculty at my university. Attitudes from faculty at these events have ranged from concerned to
Does your class end with a bang or a whimper? Many of us spend a lot of time crafting the perfect first day of class to ensure we set

Faculty have recently been bombarded with a dizzying array of apps, platforms, and other widgets that may or may not be the Next Big Thing in

The rapid rise of livestream content development and consumption has been nothing short of remarkable. According to Ceci (2022), 126.7 million users in the United States viewed livestreaming

Feedback on performance has proven to be one of the most important influences on learning, but students consistently report that they want and need far more feedback than

"Education is that which remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school."

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