Managing Feedback

screencasting feedback

Sample APA Style feedback bank comment:

Sample feedback rubric:

Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Content-Dimension #1
Assignment- Dimension #1
Assignment- Dimension #2
Discipline Style

Sample feedback template:

  • In this comparison, you effectively XXX. Key to this type of analysis, it is important that you XXX. As you likely noticed, not all studies clearly list each of the key factors for effectively analyzing the research (question, population, limitations, operational definitions, etc)… but as you become more familiar with reading empirical research, you will be able to draw conclusions not only about what is written, but also about what is NOT written. In many cases, the information that is left out of the research report can be just as telling as the information that the authors chose to include. To enhance your comparison paper, I would encourage you to XXX and XXX. In addition, you may want to take a look at the following examples to help guide your APA style writing: XXX.



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Adapted from Efficient and Effective Feedback in the Online Classroom. An online seminar by Magna Publications, 2014.

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