Tips from the Pros: Vary Assessment Techniques

In a recent Magna Online Seminar, Ollie Dreon, associate professor in the School of Education at Millersville University of Pennsylvania, recommended varying assessment techniques in the online learning environment to motivate students and provide opportunities for multiple means of expression (a key principle of universal design).

Using different assessment techniques also keeps the course from becoming monotonous and provides opportunities for students to showcase their strengths.

In addition, Dreon recommended offering students choices as to how they are assessed on some assignments as long as they meet the same standards for the assignment. Be sure to provide clear expectations and examples so that students can see how an assignment might be completed in different ways.

Providing students the option to submit a paper, podcast, narrated PowerPoint presentation, video, or some other deliverable enables them to showcase their strengths and tap into their creativity. Having choices can increase students’ sense of ownership of the assignment and increase engagement.

Dreon cautioned not to be distracted by the aesthetics of the work that students create. “Glitter can be really distracting, especially for folks who might not have a technical background,” Dreon said.

For information about purchasing a recording of this online seminar, see

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