A year ago I received the worst student ratings of instruction (SRIs) in my 28 years of teaching. On the Likert scale I am normally between 4 and 5 for quality of instructor and quality of the course. Last year, however, my fall term ratings for my sophomore cell biology course were below 3. Below 3! When I read that, I thought I was going to faint. All the effort and time I put into designing a quality learning experience for students went unappreciated. I felt nauseous.
In the 1990s and early 2000s, when I was still trying to develop my lecture skills, I became quite good at telling students what to learn. My first couple years of teaching garnered SRIs that were not impressive, but by the time I applied for tenure, my reputation as a lecturer was well established. Back then I considered myself as an excellent teacher, but now I think I was an excellent lecturer.
In the mid-2000s I finally realized that
excellent lecturing does not necessarily equate with excellent learning. This
became apparent to me when students entered a senior course after I had taught
them the junior prerequisite. I expected that we would move on to new material,
deepening their prior learning. But my students regularly informed me that they
had not learned what I considered prerequisite material. I protested, “I know
you learned that because I taught you that course last year.”
So, my excellent lecturing was not producing
excellent learning.
There was further evidence that the learning I
wanted was not happening for my students. When I spoke with them after class or
read their comments on my SRIs, it was clear that they did not understand why
they performed poorly on my exams. During lecture, I explained things so well
that they thought they understood the material and had learned it.
Many articles and books on learning and
teaching explore this disconnect between students’ and teachers’ understandings
of what it means to teach and learn. For example, Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel
(2014) recommend learning strategies, such as self-testing and retrieval
practice, that help students avoid fooling themselves about what they think
they’ve learned. Ambrose et al. (2010) offer multiple approaches—including
contrasting cases, concept maps, decomposing tasks, and providing different
contexts for applying particular skills—that teachers can use to get students
fully engaged and promote deep learning. Cooper, Ashley, and Brownell (2017)
suggest that addressing students’ expectations for learning can reduce their
reluctance to engage in the hard, messy work of learning. And Weimer (2013)
proposes that instructors design their courses so that students become
responsible for their own learning. After reading all this material, I became
convinced that active learning can improve student learning (Freeman et al.,
2014) and so began to retool how I taught, starting with this course.
I redesigned the course with the goal of
better engaging students in their own learning. I wanted to teach in ways that
made students aware of what they actually knew and what they still needed to
learn. I opted for the team-based learning structure, flipping my classroom so
that students were responsible for their pre-class preparation. In class we
used the time to clarify misunderstandings. I gave mini-lectures, but the bulk
of class time was devoted to practice. Students applied their learning by
solving exam-style problems with the assistance of their teammates and advice
from me.
As with many others who’ve made this
transition to active learning, student engagement in my classes rose markedly,
but my SRIs did not. Students understood what I was trying to do, and many
seemed to accept that this was in their best interests. I followed Smith’s (2008)
advice and asked students during the first week of class which of the following
they could best achieve on their own, which they could best achieve with help
in class, and which was most important to them:
- Acquiring information (facts, principles, concepts)
- Learning how to use information and knowledge in new situations
- Developing lifelong learning skills
Typically, after some in-class discussion of
these three questions, students seemed to understand the rationale behind how I
proposed to structure the course.
But a different response emerged as the class
progressed. Some students felt that I had abandoned them and that they were
having to teach themselves the material. But this is exactly the kind of
learning culture I was trying to foster. Only students can learn the material.
All I can do is guide their learning and design a fertile educational
environment in which learning can occur. But this approach made many of them
uncomfortable. Others thought they were incapable of rising to the challenge,
and the rest complained that there was extra out-of-class work, even though I
had always expected out-of-class preparation. It’s just that the new class
structure made this expectation explicit and held students responsible for it.
Then, last
year, it wasn’t just that my ratings didn’t improve, they tanked. I received
the worst SRIs of my career in this cell biology course. The evaluations were
still more or less a bell curve, with some students appreciating the learning
environment, but there were more negative responses than I typically receive:
the bell curve had shifted to the left. The learning environment was not
working for most students.
Scheduling changes may have been responsible
for some of the slide in my ratings. My campus had changed from a five-course,
13-week term to one course in three weeks followed by four courses in 11 weeks.
It is possible that my students were taking out their stress with the schedule
change on my unfamiliar teaching strategy, but my colleagues did not experience
the same resistance from their students. Could it have been this particular
cohort or some more general change in incoming students? Maybe, but I tend to
think it was my nontraditional approach to teaching.
As I was thinking this through, I came across
Jenna Van Sickles’s 2016 article, which explores similar issues that she
experienced when she flipped one of her math courses. Like me, she observed a marked improvement in
students’ engagement during class. She also saw better final exam results. But
her students did not like the learning experience. They felt they were not
learning and felt abandoned by their instructor. It was reassuring to learn
that my experiences were not unique.
So here is the conundrum: student learning is
improving, but students don’t respond positively to the process. As Smith and
Cardaciotto (2011) suggest, students approach active learning as if it were the
“broccoli” of education. I was particularly troubled when I heard anecdotally
that some of my students were actually changing majors as a result of their
experiences in the course. Maybe some discovered they weren’t destined to
become biologists, but that’s not how I feel about students deciding to leave
my field. I needed to rethink my course redesign.
I want my courses to facilitate student
mastery of the discipline and fan the flames of potential interest in the
material. It may be, as Ambrose et al. (2010) note, that I have cognitively but
not affectively engaged students. I have
created a learning environment in which students are very aware of what they do
and do not know and the effort required to master the content. But my current
course structure or style of teaching may not sufficiently reassure students
that they can master the material. I find this so odd because reassuring them is
precisely my intention. I do believe that my students can learn the material,
but my faith in their ability is not something they perceive. It seems that a
number of my students don’t believe in themselves. So are there things I can do
to promote students’ self-efficacy?
Again, I found help in the literature. The
2016 review by Bartimote-Aufflick et al. suggests that teachers provide more
modeling of problem-solving for students, scaffold to a greater extent with the
goals of providing students success earlier in the course, and increase
opportunities to assess and identify their own errors and misconceptions. Another
study suggests that students are more responsive to active learning if
instructors get involved with students while they apply their learning
in-class; how instructors facilitate active learning activities seems to be key
(Finelli et al., 2018).
This is what makes teaching such a challenging
profession. Each cohort of students brings to the classroom a different set of
experiences and expectations. To reach each new cohort, I must be willing and
able to tweak how I teach so that we can make this learning journey together.
Teaching is incredibly difficult because as an instructor, I need to understand
my students’ needs. I think I know what they need based on my almost three
decades of teaching experience, but I’m becoming convinced that many students do
not yet know what they need in order to learn. They seem to get stuck on the
fact that learning is hard and requires effort and more work than they
So, here’s how I decided to address students’
resistance to active learning. This year I gave students a choice. I told them
on the first day of class that there were many ways to teach and learn and that
I could use a variety of approaches. So, I asked them, how do you want to
learn? How do you want me to teach? I shared the grading scheme I would use if
I taught using team-based learning; it included lots of marks for formative and
peer learning compared to the scheme I’d use in a more traditional classroom, which
would include several summative exams and quizzes. However they wanted me to teach,
we would have at least one midterm and one final exam. I asked students to
discuss it among themselves and to send a representative to my office when they
had decided. I left the classroom, and within the hour a student knocked on my
door to inform me that the class had come to a consensus: they asked me to use team-based
learning as the instructional strategy.
This year was a much better teaching
experience for me: my Likert ratings are back above 4, so I’m also feeling
better about how students are experiencing learning in my course.
Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M.,
Lovett, M. C., Norman, M. K., & Mayer, R. E. (2010). How learning works:
Seven research-based principles for smart
teaching (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Bridgeman, A., Walker, R., Sharma, M., & Smith, L. (2016). The study, evaluation, and improvement of university student self-efficacy. Studies in Higher Education, 41(11), 1918–1942. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2014.999319
Brown, P. C., Roediger, H. L, III, & McDaniel, M. A. (2014). Make it stick: The science of successful learning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Cooper, K. M., Ashley, M., & Brownell, S.
E. (2017). Using expectancy value theory as a framework to reduce student
resistance to active learning: A proof of concept. Journal of Microbiology
& Biology Education, 18(2).
Finelli, B. C. J., Nguyen, K., Demonbrun, M.,
Borrego, M., Prince, M., Husman, J., . . . Waters, C. K. (2018). Reducing
student resistance to active learning: Strategies for instructors. Journal
of College Science Teaching, 47(5), 80–91.
Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M.,
Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active
learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and
mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America, 111(23), 8410–8415.
Smith, C. V, & Cardaciotto, L. (2011). Is
active learning like broccoli? Student perceptions of active learning in large
lecture classes. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, 11(1),
53–61. Retrieved from https://josotl.indiana.edu/article/view/1808/1805
Smith, G. A. (2008). First-day questions for
the learner-centered classroom. The
National Teaching & Learning Forum, 17(5), 1–4.
Van Sickle, J. R. (2016). Discrepancies
between student perception and achievement of learning outcomes in a flipped
classroom. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16(2),
29–38. https://doi.org/10.14434/josotl.v16i2.19216
Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-centered
teaching: Five key changes to practice (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA:
Neil Haave, PhD, is a professor of biology at the University of Alberta’s Augustana Campus and an associate director of his university’s Centre for Teaching and Learning. You can reach him at nhaave@ualberta.ca.